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The Summer Of Jihad

Just 6 months away from the most important Presidential election in history The Summer Of Jihad rages on.

Currently around 120 "encampments" which I am calling, after seeing for my self and infiltrating the @UWM UW-Milwaukee "Forted Compounds" are currently active across the United States on College campuses.

After doing four LIVE streams over the cousrse of a week at UW-Milwaukee I was able to watch the set up and assembly of walls, shields, weapons made out of sticks and wood, helmets (hard hats), use of goggles and walkie-talkies. And the fortification of the compound. They even have movable barracaids ready to deploy across the sidewalk entrys to the are they are illegally occupying.

Watch the LIVE streams here.

Four days of LIVE from @UWM Campus in Milwaukee, WI



On my most recent "visit" I was able to capture the LOGO on the main goons hat in my video as FRSO Freedom Road Socialist Organization!



What is the Freedom Road Socialist Organization?

Call our National Office: 612-477-5807

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is a national organization of revolutionaries fighting for socialism in the United States. Our home is in the working class.

FRSO members are rooted in the mass movements for justice, particularly in the labor movement and the movements of oppressed nations and nationalities– especially African-Americans and Chicanos. We are also active in the immigrant rights, anti-war, student and youth movements.

We are organizing the united front against monopoly capitalism — with the strategic alliance of the multinational working class and oppressed nationality movements at its core. This is our general strategy for revolution in the U.S.

FRSO is recruiting and building towards the creation of a new Communist Party based on Marxism-Leninism. This is necessary to lead the way to socialism and liberation. Our newspaper Fight Back! is popular at protests, read by union workers and community activists, and can also be found at


The 9th Congress of FRSO, held in spring 2022, came at a critical juncture in the development of the people’s struggle and the accelerating decline of monopoly capitalism in the U.S.  As the call to the congress states, in the recent period “we have seen a level of struggle that is unprecedented since the 1960s. The great rebellion following the murder of George Floyd, which was both broad and militant, signals the shape of things to come. It can be said the burning police stations helped illuminate the road to freedom. The fight against police crimes led to a resurgence of the African American national movement.”

The congress adopted political reports on the economy, the political situation, and the international situation that provide materialist analyses of the conditions we are facing, and that help us understand the terrain of struggle ahead. After a widely participated-in debate and discussion, the congress also adopted sections of our political program on socialism and capitalism. Participants both new and old navigated the democratic process to reach unity on our line.

The congress discussed and adopted several resolutions on our work to build a new communist party in the U.S., including one that lays the groundwork to establish an African American Commission to help further develop our work in the Black Liberation movement. Another resolution, blasting the U.S. role in the inter-imperialist war in the Ukraine was adopted.

The documents provide a basis for understanding basic conditions, the forces in motion in society, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the movements for social change and revolution. We ask you to read, comment, discuss and share them. Improving our understanding of how society works will strengthen the leadership of mass groups and positively impact the people’s movements.

Main Political Report

Program Sections


Out of each FRSO Congress comes the publication of a Main Political Report which documents and explains the current state of the U.S. economy, domestic affairs, and international situation. Public resolutions may be passed and other statements may also be released.

You can find the documents from past congresses on their respective pages:


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